Provide Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy services to children from birth to 18 years as well as some adults with muscle disease. We address motor skills, self help skills, feeding, sensory processing and orthopedic injuries. Childrens' diagnoses include: Autism, Down's Syndrome, and various developmental delays.
0 to 18 years old and some adults.
Once placement is confirmed, contact site to schedule an orientation.
Covered at first meeting.
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm.
Observation hours are approximate and based on availability of clinicians. HOURS CAN CHANGE at the discrection of the therapist. Students MUST have a flexible schedule in order to accommodate for missed hours due to complications wtih appointment cancellations, client absence, and the therapist's schedule.
Dress for a professional environment: neat, clean, and in good repair. No jeans, no shorts, no tank tops, no open-toed shoes. No piercings other than the ears.
(1) Letter of clearance from the HDP Field Research Coordinator
(2) Signed Clinical Affiliation Agreement
(3) Background Check ($75.00)
(4) Drug Screen (Packaged with Background Check)
(5) Immunization Records (MMR, Varicella & Hepatitis B)
(6) H1N1 Vaccination
(7) Seasonal Influenza Vaccination
Eileen Porter (
3020 Children's Way San Diego CA 92123